Terms Of Service
No SPAM is allowed, sending SPAM from our VPSs is prohibited and will result in termination with no refund whatsoever given. Please note that this is an admin RDP so you can use any software/application. But any illegal use like spamming, scamming, piracy, hacking, cracking, phreaking, warez, exploitive software, or text that educates or encourages this activity and/or use is not allowed, and if found it will result in termination with no refund what so ever given.

IRC servers (IRCd) are not allowed BUT IRC clients like ZNC, BNC, etc are allowed.

You (the client) may not upload any material that violates or infringes on the copyright, intellectual property rights, or trademark rights of any individual or organization.

Piracy, hacking, cracking, phreaking, warez, exploitive software or text that educates or encourages this activity and/or use is not allowed, and if found it will result in termination with no refund whatsoever given.

Refunds are dealt with on a case-by-case basis, if the service does not work and/or cannot be fixed we will refund.

Do note, if you have an issue with the service you have with us, you need to open a ticket at our client area so that we can fix the issue you’re facing. We will not refund you if you put in a cancellation request asking for a refund without contacting our support team first..

We do not store any backups of users’ data due to our low costs, we suggest users make and maintain their own backups.

If your VPS(s) receive any complaint (DMCA etc) from our network providers (Data Center) we will give you 48 hours to respond to a complaint made against your VPS if you fail to respond within 48 hours your VPS(s) will be suspended and will only be unsuspended once you have responded to the complaint made against your VPS and promise to never repeat the incident again and if the incident is repeated again the VPS may be terminated without warning and with no refund.

Pornography and sex-related merchandising are permitted provided it is legal in the city of Kansas City, the state of Missouri, and the country of the United States of America..

Knowingly engaging in any activities designed to harass, or that will cause a denial-of-service (e.g., synchronized number sequence attacks) to any other user whether on the RDPGround network or on another provider’s network will result in termination of your VPS(s) with no refund what so ever given.

Transmission, distribution or storage of any material in violation of any applicable law or regulation is prohibited. This includes, without limitation, material protected by copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property right used without proper authorization, and material that is obscene, defamatory, constitutes an illegal threat, or violates export control laws will result in termination of your VPS(s) with no refund what so ever given..

Anyone caught violating our Acceptable Use Policy or Terms of Service will be suspended and will only be unsuspended once he/she has promised to never repeat the incident again and if the incident is repeated again the VPS may be terminated without warning and with no refund..

You (the client) are solely and fully responsible for the contents of your account. Any and all repercussions will be borne solely by you (the client) as the account holder..

You (the client) may not host any material that defames, abuses, harasses or threatens any person or group..

Bitcoin/Litecoin/Namecoin/*coin mining is not allowed on our VPSs BUT you are allowed to run bitcoin, lite coin, *coind on your VPSs for your websites or your online applications or personal use and/or commercial use..

Running CPU-intensive services like Folding@home and others is not allowed on our VPSs.

Tor exit nodes are not allowed on our VPSs, if found the VPS will be terminated without any warning. Middle, bridge or entry nodes are fine.

Raising a Chargeback/PayPal claim for refunds will result in the suspension of services, refund requests are dealt with via tickets and tickets only..

If your VPS affects the performance of the other VPSs on the same node, your VPS will be rebooted, if it continues to affect the performance of the other VPSs on the same node, it will be suspended and will be unsuspended only when you contact us and explain why the VPS was affecting the performance of the other VPSs on the same node and promise that the incident won’t be repeated again..

Clients must check the specs of the product they purchase, which includes, CPU resources, RAM allocation, storage (HDD) allocation, and IPv4 / IPv6 allocation at the time of purchase, refunds will not be given if the client finds the resources he has purchased are insufficient for his needs, BUT the client can always get additional resources added to his product at an extra cost by contacting us via a support ticket at the client area..

In the event of a client running a chargeback or a PayPal claim after his/her domain was set up for use (activated), will result in RDPGroundgaining the right over the domain and the client will be denied access to his/her domain..

Account credits can be transferred between new or existing users at RDPGround but credits cannot be refunded and/or sent back to the user’s payment wallet/service.

In the event of a client raising/running a credit card chargeback or a PayPal claim against his payment, this will result in termination of services.

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We provide low cost and best quality hosting server. Buy fresh rdp. Private Virtual Server.

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24x7 Friendly Support

Phone: +1 (209) 645-0732

WeChat: rdpground

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SKYPE: live:rdpground